Klarna Card




My first year and a half at Klarna was spent in the Klarna Card team. Here, I improved the existing designs, helped expand the features, and helped launch the product in Germany.


The Klarna Card was launched in an early stage and as our feature set grew, so grew the settings a cardholder could customize. Early on, I cleaned up the settings page by grouping similar functions (actions vs settings). We also launched Apple Pay and Google Pay.

At the same time, our Brand and Design System teams were working hard on updating the Klarna style, resulting in a more sleek and contrast-rich UI. The Klarna Card itself also got a visual update, moving from the large K design to a vertical design in different colors with different quotes.

A new home

In September 2019, the Klarna Card team officially became multiple teams and with that, we could work on more things at the same time. One of the larger initiatives was the new ‘Card Home’ to give our customers more insight into their card usage because more and more people were using it as their primary or secondary payment card.

We gave the card its own transaction view and moved settings to its own page as the list grew. Analytics helped us determine which important actions we should keep at the first level.

Launching in Germany

One day, I’ll write a full case about this. But for now, please enjoy Meaghan Johnson’s excellent walkthrough.

Read on Medium.com